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Analyze the anatomy, physiology, and basic pathophysiology of the urinary system, and apply knowledge in the performance of technical skills related to the system.

HS- EHS - 7
Urinary System

Lesson Plan

Analyze the basic structures and functions of the urinary system.

Labeling Nephron.png
Labeling Urinary System (Female).png

Student 's  screenshots  Retrieved from Google Classroom: Spring EHS Block 2

Labeling Kidney.png

Student Work 7.1

Student Work 7.1

Student Work 7.2

Student Work 7.2

Identify and explain the medical terms related to the urinary system, and utilize when documenting in the electronic medical record.


Student Work 7.3

Describe the structure and function of the nephron, and explain the processes of secretion, filtration and reabsorption including where the processes occur.

Student Work 7.3

Compare and contrast the urinary system of the female with the urinary system of a male.

Student Work 7.5

Research common diseases, disorders, and emerging diseases of the urinary system including pathophysiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment that might be utilized.

Student  17240's  presentation. Retrieved from Google Classroom: Spring EHS Block 2

Student  17139's  presentation. Retrieved from Google Classroom: Spring EHS Block 3

Student  17397's  presentation. Retrieved from Google Classroom: Spring EHS Block 3

Student  17832's  presentation. Retrieved from Google Classroom: Spring EHS Block 3

Student  17872's  presentation. Retrieved from Google Classroom: Spring EHS Block 3

Student Work 7.4
Student Work 7.5

Student Work 7.4


Simulated urine specimens to match case studies.  Students were assigned one specimen each to analyze and determine which of the diseases discussed could produce their specimen.

All students had to discuss with the class their findings and simulated urine specimens.

Left to Right: Normal Urine, Chronic Renal Failure, Dehydration with Kidney Stones (or Kidney Stones which caused urinary retention due to obstruction) urethritis,  cystitis or possible glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis.

Student  17397's results from Shadow Health, Focused Assessment: Urinary, practice documenting intake/output in EMR. 


Student Evaluation

Student Work 7.6

Demonstrate measuring intake and output, and identify abnormal results (collection of specimen) and document in an electronic medical record.

Student Work 7.6
Student Evaluation
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