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HS- AHM - 2
Respiratory Care

Research advanced technical skills in respiratory care.

HS- AHM - 2
Respiratory Care

Lesson Plan

Student Work 2.1

Review the scope of practice for respiratory services.

Student Work 2.1

Student Work 2.2

Identify normal and abnormal respiratory effort.

Student Work 2.2
Untitled presentation (3).png
Shadow Health.jfif
Untitled presentation (4).png

Student Work 2.3

Correctly apply pulse oximeter for measurement of oxygen saturation and recognize the difference between normal and abnormal readings.

Student Work 2.3

Student Work 2.4

Observe medical personnel assisting clients with respiratory management devices such as a nasal cannula, simple oxygen mask, Venturi mask, non-rebreather, nasopharyngeal airway (NPA), oropharyngeal airway (OPA), and tracheostomy.

Student Work 2.4
Copy of Abstract Silver Gold and Bronze Waves PowerPoint Template #45323.png

Student Work 2.5

Demonstrate proper technique and use of bag-mask ventilation on a manikin.

Student Work 2.5
IMG-0617 (1).jpg
Student Evaluation

Student Evaluation

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